Studying the Masters

Last holiday season my family surprised me with the opportunity to enroll into Noah Bradley’s Artcamp for Landscapes, an asynchronous 12-week bootcamp for landscape artists. It has been an incredible and humbling experience, and I’m only a 1/4 of the way through. While very important, nobody wants to see the thumbnails practice and value studies I’ve been doing. That’s why the lesson on masters studies was exciting. Well, one of the reasons.

This was my first master study after Clyde Aspevig’s Alpine Lake. It took about 12 hours once I got through the crises to start. The lesson’s emphasis was colors and values, and while I have values down, colors have proven to be exceptionally difficult. I had to “cheat” and use the color picker against Aspevig’s original more often than not. I’m looking forward to doing another study, hopefully soon.

Special shoutout to my brother and dad. You two are the best.
